Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Media Revolution

There is another revolution happening alongside the pro-democracy revolutions in the Middle East, a Media Revolution!!

I came to this realization when I was on twitter. I am following the Arab revolutions by following people on the ground in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria etc. and then I am also following major news outlets like CNN, BBC and AlJazeera.

What I began noticing is that I would receive news from the ground first, saying that whatever is being reported is confirmed. Then hours later I would get the same update from CNN or AlJazeera. I came to the conclusion that I don't need the mainstream media anymore, because I have a direct line to where the action is. This is revolutionary!! Citizen Journalism is the rise and I'm loving it... !!

If you want to get a direct line to these revolutions too.. here are some people I recommend following on twitter:

For a general overview and discussion on the issues @monaeltahawy is amazing, I love her. She is based out of New York, but has a lot of contacts on the ground in the Middle East.

For news on Libya: @ShababLibya and/or @LibyansRevolt

For news on Egypt: @Gsquare86 and/or @monasosh

For news on Yemen: @YemenWatch

For news on Bahrain: @BAHRAINIAC

For news on Syria: @SilmyaSilmya

My Twitter: @enwayer

Hopefully we can start connecting directly with people all over the world, and end this age of misinformation the mainstream media has brought us!!

......and remember ... PEACE is the new black!

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